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Meet the Chiro-Health Chiropractic Care Center Team

Office Staff


Pam Thielman (6 years)

I have been a Chiro-Health patient for over 15 years, and from the moment I stepped through the door, I was impacted in an amazingly positive way. My family has benefited from chiropractic care during many stages of life, including pregnancy and childbirth, early childhood and beyond.

Everyone on the Chiro-Health team has taught me so much about living a healthy lifestyle, and I am honored to be able to pay that forward as a Chiropractic Technician and Creative Director.

My husband and myself have lived in Plymouth for about 15 years, and we have 2 young kids who keep us busy on outdoor adventures. I also love to read and enjoy an active lifestyle during my free time.

Jill Farnum (1 year)jill-1024-1492v

I grew up in Plymouth and now live here with my husband and 2 children. When I’m not here as our Patient Care Coordinator, you can find me spending time with my family camping, collecting sea glass on the shores of Lake Michigan or shopping. 

I am so blessed to be part of the Chiro-Health team. I have truly found my calling – I love being able to connect with and care for our wonderful community of patients!

Our Practice Team

We are proud of our fantastic “Chiro-Team!” We continue to strive to serve you better each day and help you reach your highest potential! Contact us today to learn how we can help you!


Chiro-Health Chiropractic Care Center Team | (920) 893-2345